
Plaza lama santiago
Plaza lama santiago

plaza lama santiago plaza lama santiago

The resection is usually curative and no recurrence or malignant transformation has been reported, so the recurrence may be due to incomplete removal (Kitsoulis et al.). The surgical treatment of mandibular osteochondromas involves resection of the tumor and generally the condyle, which must be reconstructed because it is essential to maintain TMJ's function (Mehra et al.). The fat autograft obtained from the suprapubic region is placed around the joint surfaces of both components to avoid formation of heterotopic bone. The component for the glenoid fossa is fixed to the lateral portion of the zygomatic arch and the condylar mandibular component is fixed to the remaining bone tissue, according to planning. Two fragments of irregular bone tissue corresponding to the mandibular condyle and the resected specimen was obtained ( Fig. The mandibular ramus and condyle osteotomy was performed removing the tumor lesion with a safety margin.

plaza lama santiago

Subsequently, the discectomy and removal of the tissues of the joint capsule is carried out.

plaza lama santiago

A modified guide was used at the level of the mandibular angle for tumor resection and condylectomy. The surgical team decided a resection of the tumor and reconstruction with a customized alloplastic joint prosthesis (Artfix, Sao Paulo, Brazil). 1 Maxillofacial CT: Axial CT shows the tumor located on the medial side of the left mandibular ramus, in front of the styloid apophysis, occupying the parapharyngeal space without displacing muscular structures. PALABRAS CLAVE: osteocondroma prótesis articular personalizada aloplástica reemplazo total de la articulación tumor osteogénico benignoįig. La reconstrucción inmediata después de la resección es una buena alternativa para evitar una segunda operación, y la planificación virtual prequirúrgica garantiza la eliminación completa de la lesión utilizando guías de corte y cubriendo todo el defecto con una prótesis articular aloplástica personalizada. Después de la cirugía, el paciente permanece asintomático y recupera los intervalos de apertura y cierre, la fonación y la función masticatoria. En este caso, un osteocondroma localizado en la rama mandibular y el cuello del cóndilo fue reseccionado y reconstruido simultáneamente a través de un reemplazo articular total. Departure from the stop of the Plaza Lama, Barahona Street (see map) and also at the crossroads of the Americas with the arrival of Juan Pablo II highway (count 30 minutes more from the departure time).Los osteocondromas son tumores osteogénicos benignos que pueden alcanzar grandes tamaños, los cuales requieren de resección quirúrgica y generalmente de algún tratamiento adicional para restaurar la forma y la función mandibular. TO COME BACK Santo Domingo (Capital) - Las Terrenasĭepartures : 8:30 am - 9:30 am - 11 am- 1:40 pm - 3 pm - 6 pm Travel time 2 hours and 15 minutes more or less. TO GO Las Terrenas - Santo Domingo (Capital)ĭepartures : 5 am - 7 am - 9 am - 11 am - 2 pm - 3:30 pm (Price indicative 450 RD$). The public guaguas depart from the crossroads of Prinicpal Street and Atlantic Boulevard. Travel times of the transportation services (Bus and guagua) from and to Las Terrenas

Plaza lama santiago